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Facebook marketing agency for your small business

Be where your customers are and really get to know them with social media!

Brand awareness is good but you also need sales from your social media activity – paid or organic posts. What you need is a social media, in particular a Facebook marketing agency for small business and medium-sized enterprises.

How long on average per day do you think someone spends on social media in the UK?

The answer is a whopping 1 hour and 42 minutes! This means there is a huge potential opportunity to connect with, talk to and engage with your prospects and existing customers!

Facebook is the main platform in the UK, with Twitter and LinkedIn close together behind. TikTok is growing fast too for certain audiences!

But do you know how to target and engage them? Or how to convert them into customers?

(Source: CyberCrew)

group of people using social media
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Want better social media marketing for your small business? Contact your local Facebook marketing agency for small businesses.

The challenges of social media content marketing for SMEs

Despite the obvious opportunity, many small businesses find social media a chore and a challenge. Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Not knowing what to post and what is of interest to people
  • Lacking time and resource to put into social media
  • Being unclear on how to measure value and return from it
  • Uncertainty on whether to use Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads or other paid advertising options
  • Not knowing how to use the social community to fuel business growth.

Winning on social media for small businesses shouldn’t be that hard, and we are here to change, improve and grow your business. There is also lots of advice on our blog to help get you focused on what needs to happen!

acebook marketing agency for small business - team winning - winning at small business social media

Social media outsourcing and facebook marketing agency for small businesses

Outsourcing your social media to a Facebook ad agency, or an expert in whichever social media platform you need to focus on, means you’ll get the strategy, delivery and results done for you!

Here is what we can do for you:

Social media strategy

Answering the important questions of why you are doing social media, who you are targeting, the content and campaigns needed, how much resource should be allocated and the business results from it. No vanity metrics allowed here!

Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and LinkedIn Advertising

There are great targeting options on social media; from interests and behaviours on Facebook, through to job titles and sectors on LinkedIn. We can devise ad campaigns, create the ads, launch and run them.

Organic Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn posts

With the aim of community building and engagement, social media posts target your followers/fans/connections to promote your services, products and content as well as building your brand reputation, generating repeat custom and referrals/recommendations.

Content creation

Developing a content strategy which can then be distributed across one or more social media platform. This can include text, image, infographics and videos.

Facebook marketing agency for small businesses - see how we can help you make social media work for you!

The social media platforms we can support you with are: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter.

We pride ourselves in particular on delivering as a Facebook marketing agency for small business.

Facebook marketing agency for small business
- not about vanity metrics, but real business results

We aren’t interested in fans, followers and likes. Don’t get us wrong, they matter for community building but they need to have a real-life impact on your business to matter. We’ve never met a business owner who paid their bills in likes! That’s why we focus on meaningful metrics such as return on investment.

So when you commission us to deliver Facebook ad agency or Instagram ad agency services, or create and post content in organic social, you will see:

Hear how outsourcing your small businesses social media management to Growth by Design can really change your business