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Why choose social media marketing agencies near me

Social media marketing agencies near me – The 6 benefits of choosing an expert nearby

If you’re Googling ‘social media marketing agencies near me’, you’ve come to the right place!

Choosing the right SME marketing agency in Sussex to take control of your social media should be taken seriously. There are many factors to consider, which we will be running through in this blog, whilst explaining why you should choose award-winning Growth by Design as your local social media marketing agency!

Why should you outsource your social media marketing from ‘social media marketing agencies near me’?

Here are some reasons why outsourcing your social media might be the right way to go for your business:

Expertise and experience:

Agencies like ours, have a wealth of knowledge and experience of social media. Outsourcing allows you to tap into an agency’s expertise and experience, and create a well-thought-out and personalised marketing plan.

Different agencies specialise in different aspects of social media, whether that be strategy, content creation and curation through to analytics. Some also focus their efforts on particular platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (Twitter) and LinkedIn. 

In our case, we cover the full breadth of services and platforms. It gives SMEs peace of mind their social media is in good hands, that everything will be covered and that their strategy is personalised to you and your business goals rather than being pre-defined.

Time efficiency:

Managing social media campaigns can be time-consuming. Outsourcing frees up your time and resources, allowing you to focus on your core business activities where you are the expert while allowing social media experts to handle your social media presence. 

Stay updated with trends:

Social media platforms and trends evolve rapidly. 

We are constantly learning and understanding the changes when it comes to social media. Whether that is algorithm changes, the latest developments, or new trends, we ensure your business always stays relevant and dynamic.

What might have worked for you six months ago, might not now, and it is a time investment you could do without to keep yourself on top of all of these changes!


In-house social media management can incur significant costs, including hiring, training, and retaining skilled personnel. 

Outsourcing eliminates these costs, as you pay for the services you need without the overhead of maintaining an in-house team. 

We offer many different packages, and the marketing activities will always be completely personalised to your business’s needs, priorities and budget.

Access to tools and resources:

Not only are you paying for the social media marketing experience, but we use some of the best tools and analytics platforms in the field. 

They enable us to create competitor analysis, research keywords that are trending, know when your audience is online and much more. These tools can be costly for individuals to invest in, but by outsourcing to an agency, you can leverage these to enhance the effectiveness of your social media campaigns. 

Measurable results:

Social media agencies, like Growth by Design, provide detailed analytics and performance reports. This allows both you and us to track the success of your campaigns and understand the return on investment (ROI), and thus, create strategic campaigns bespoke to each client.

Understanding analytic tools can be overwhelming, and sometimes confusing, which is why having professionals analyse social campaigns is more strategic, results-driven and a lot more time-efficient! 

The sign of a really good agency is one that will take the time to build your knowledge and confidence in interpreting these reports, so you can ask the right questions of your agency partner and make the best decisions for your business!

What can ‘social media marketing agencies near me’ help with?

‘Social media marketing agencies near me’ can assist businesses in a variety of ways.

Here are some services that Growth by Design, an SME digital marketing agency based in Sussex, offer:

Social media strategy development:

We work with small and medium-sized businesses to create a comprehensive social media strategy tailored to their goals and target audience. This involves identifying key platforms, content themes, posting schedules, and engagement strategies.

Content creation:

We provide content creation services, including graphic design, copywriting, reels and much more! When we create multimedia assets, our team ensure the content is engaging and shareable and aligns with your brand identity.

Platform management:

Growth by Design manages and optimises your business on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn and TikTok. This includes setting up and maintaining profiles, posting content, and engaging with your audience.

Paid advertising campaigns:

Our award-winning team designs and executes paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms. This involves creating ad creatives, targeting specific demographics, managing budgets, and optimising campaigns for better results.

Here is a recent campaign we worked on, in which within a single month, 26 Facebook Ad leads were generated.

Social media analytics and reporting:

We use analytics tools to track the performance of social media campaigns. We provide regular reports detailing key metrics, such as reach, engagement, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).

Why choose Growth by Design from ‘social media marketing agencies near me’?

If you’re located in Sussex, ‘social media marketing agencies near me’ is a good place to begin as you will find us!

Choosing Growth by Design as your social media marketing agency means going from marketing average to marketing great!

We aren’t about vanity metrics, but real business results, here are some of the things you will see when working with us:

  • New leads and enquiries generated
  • New users to your site and content, for future retargeting
  • Increases in brand reputation and recognition
  • Increases in the lifetime value of existing customers
  • Increases in positive referencing and referrals, generating new leads.


Not quite convinced? Here are some real businesses, with real results, we have worked with over the years.

Contact us today to request a free marketing review.

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