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Understanding Google's cookie update: A comprehensive guide to Google Consent Mode v2 from 6th March

What is Google Consent Mode v2: A comprehensive guide to understanding Google cookie update from 6th March

What is Google Consent Mode v2 that came into force on 6th March 2024? Did you know about it? Have you implemented it? Donโ€™t worry we are here to explain it all in English for you. It is important you act now though as without having this in place you will not be able to gather new data through the Google advertising platforms Google Analytics and Google Ads.ย 

This has happened because Google has announced significant updates to its cookie requirements and policies, particularly focusing on third-party cookies and user data collection.ย 

With the impending end of third-party cookies for all Chrome users by the end of 2024, understanding what is Google Consent Mode v2 is crucial – not least because that element is already in force and you need to be compliant now!ย 

This blog discusses what these updates mean for website owners and their implications for user experience, what is Google Consent Mode v2 and its compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the various implementation methods, and how these changes will impact Google Ads and Google Analytics.

What are Google cookies?

Google cookies are small pieces of data stored on a user’s device by the web browser while browsing a website. These cookies serve various purposes, including remembering login information, tracking user behaviour, and personalising the browsing experience.

What is Google replacing cookies with?

Google has announced significant changes to its cookie policies, aiming to phase out third-party cookies entirely. This move aligns with the company’s commitment to enhancing user privacy and security.

In place of traditional cookies, Google is introducing Privacy Sandbox, which aims to provide effective ad targeting while prioritising user privacy and data protection.

We did write about these changes back in 2022 but inevitably itโ€™s been delayed until now – and now things are moving with it!

What is Google Consent Mode (GMC)?

Google Consent Mode is a feature developed by Google to address the growing importance of user consent in data privacy regulations.ย 

It provides website owners with a mechanism to manage the tracking of user interactions while respecting their preferences regarding cookies.ย 

Essentially, Google Consent Mode allows websites to adjust the behaviour of Google tags based on the user’s consent status. This means that when a user consents to cookies, their personal data can be collected for various purposes such as ad campaign performance analysis and website analytics.ย 

Conversely, if a user chooses not to consent to cookies, Google Consent Mode ensures that only anonymous data is collected, preserving user privacy.ย 

This means the user can choose which cookies to accept, offering more flexibility rather than an all-or-nothing approach. Websites can display a notice informing visitors about cookie usage and provide a link to more information, such as a privacy policy, while some may redirect users to a separate page to select their preferred types of cookies.

In summary, Google Consent Mode serves as a tool for website owners to balance the collection of valuable data with user privacy preferences, thus facilitating compliance with data privacy regulations.

Is Google Consent Mode GDPR compliant?

Google Consent Mode is designed with privacy regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in mind. By allowing website owners to adjust Google tags based on user consent, enables compliance with GDPR requirements regarding user data processing and consent management.

what is Google consent mode v2

An introduction to what is Google Consent Mode v2 (GMC v2)?

Last year, Google announced that Google Consent Mode v2 would be mandatory by 6th March 2024, requiring website owners in Europe to ensure compliance to prevent disruptions to other Google tools.ย 

Additionally, confirmation in January 2024 extended this requirement to businesses operating in the UK, underlining the urgency for website owners to act promptly to implement the necessary changes.

Why is it important for businesses to update to Google Consent Mode v2 now?

Without Google Consent Mode v2, a business will not be able to gather new data through the Google advertising platforms Google Analytics and Google Ads.ย 

To avoid potential disruptions to advertising campaigns and audience engagement, it is vital to ensure Google Consent Mode v2 is in place by 6th March 2024.

By updating to Google Consent Mode v2, website owners ensure GDPR compliance, maintain user trust, as well as optimise their advertising for Google Ads and Google Analytics strategies. You donโ€™t want to lose out of valuable data just ebacsue you havenโ€™t implemented the required cookies consent forms on your website.

How does Google Consent Mode v2 affect Google Ads and Google Analytics (GA4)

Google Consent Mode v2 significantly impacts Google Analytics and Google Ads by providing website owners with greater control over data collection and advertising personalisation.ย 

With this updated mode, website owners can tailor their Google tags based on user consent preferences, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR.ย 

In terms of Google Analytics, Consent Mode v2 allows for the collection of data from users who have provided consent, enabling more accurate analysis of website traffic and user behaviour.ย 

Similarly, in Google Ads, Consent Mode v2 ensures that only consented users’ data is used for ad targeting and campaign optimisation, thereby enhancing ad relevance and effectiveness while respecting user privacy preferences.ย 

Therefore, ensure you have Google Consent Mode v2 in place by 6th March, for Google Analytics and Google Ads to track data to guide any new marketing campaigns!

How to implement Google Consent Mode v2

Implementing Google Consent Mode v2 requires adherence to specific guidelines and as always with these things, Google donโ€™t like making these things straight forward!ย 

Using a digital marketing agency like us at Growth by Design, we will seamlessly to integrate updates into platforms using various methods, such as modifying existing tag configurations or utilising consent management platforms (CMPs).

We will ensure you remain compliant and the user experience of your website is unaffected by any updates or changes.

How Growth by Design can help with Google Consent Mode v2

As Google prepares to end third-party cookies, the implementation of Google Consent Mode v2 emerges as an essential strategy for business owners.

At Growth by Design, we have the expertise to seamlessly implement Google Consent Mode v2 for your business.ย 

As a digital marketing agency, we also keep up to date with the latest news such as compliance with The Digital Markets Act (DMA).

With our expertise in digital marketing and data privacy, you can rest assured that your business will be compliant with data privacy regulations while maximising the effectiveness of your digital marketing and analytics strategies.ย 

If you’re still asking, what is Google Consent Mode v2?, and if you have not yet implemented it and would like help in making your site compliant, please contact our experienced team on 01444 810530.

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