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10 Innovative insights into a performance marketing agency

10 insights into performance marketing

Businesses are constantly seeking effective strategies to maximise their return on investment (ROI) and drive growth.    One of the most powerful tools you can use is a performance marketing agency.    But what exactly does a performance marketing agency do, what is performance marketing, and how can it revolutionise your marketing efforts?   Here […]

Google Local Services Ads UK: The essential ultimate guide for 2024

Google Local Services Ads UK

Our guide to Google Local Services Ads UK.   Standing out from competitors can feel like trying to catch a very specific fish in a vast sea! But what if there was a way to ensure your business not only stands out but also lands right in front of potential customers actively searching for your […]

What is direct marketing? Discover the 7 powerful techniques for success

what is direct marketing

Direct marketing is a fundamental aspect of modern marketing efforts.    For us at Growth by Design, direct marketing falls in line with visibility and findability with our Common 10 Marketing Model.   There’s a key in the term ‘direct marketing’; it is meant to be direct! The main focus of direct marketing is to […]

The top 5 marketing mistakes, an informative guide

The top 5 marketing mistakes, an informative guide

It’s easy to make any of these top 5 marketing mistakes when you aren’t a dedicated marketing professional.   Even the most well-intentioned marketing efforts can lead to common marketing mistakes that waste time and money, therefore understanding these pitfalls is crucial when it comes to creating effective marketing strategies.    So, what can you […]

A step-by-step guide to the fantastic benefits of competitor analysis

A step-by-step guide to the benefits of competitor analysis

Benefits of competitor analysis: A step-by-step guide   It’s a busy, crowded and competitive world out there.    While competition isn’t a bad thing, it is essential to be aware and also keep one step ahead of what your competitors are up to. Staying ahead of the competition is a necessity for business growth and […]

Do I need a marketing agency? Exploring your business growth potential

do i need a marketing agency

“Do I need a marketing agency?”, is a question many business owners find themselves asking, as businesses continually face the challenge of needing a regular flow of relevant leads, retaining existing clients and generating recommendations/referrals. Effective marketing is crucial for attracting and retaining customers, increasing brand visibility, and ultimately driving sales.  In this blog post, […]

5 benefits of local SEO for small businesses

benefits of local SEO for small businesses

What are the benefits of local SEO for small businesses? Why is local SEO important for small businesses? Who benefits from local SEO? What is SEO? These are all questions we get asked a lot by small and medium-sized business owners, and they are good questions to be asking. As a business owner looking to […]

Google update 2024 news: Changes to Google search results

Google update 2024

Google update 2024 news: Changes to Google search results. At Growth by Design, we reveal the latest news about another Google update happening in 2024. We keep you updated with the latest Google news and how it affects SMEs! When using Google recently, you might have noticed some significant changes in the search results. With […]