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How to choose a web design agency | People sitting at a desk

How to choose a web design agency

In this blog, we offer 8 essential tips to consider when you ask the question: how to choose a web design agency.

One of the key elements of a successful online presence is a well-designed website. 

A well-designed website is not just about its aesthetics, but also the user experience, how well key messages are put across, its ability to engage and convert people, its ability to rank well in the search results, loading quickly and much more. 

Hiring a professional web design agency with the expertise and resources to design and develop a visually appealing and high-functioning website can make all the difference to your businessโ€™ results!

But with so many choices out there, how do you find the right web design agency for your business? 

Here we offer 8 essential tips to consider when choosing a web design agency.

What are your requirements?

Before you start your search for a web design agency, it’s essential to define your goals and requirements, ie; what you want to achieve with your website. 

What type of website are you looking for? Would you like a simple brochure site, an eCommerce platform, or something a little more complex? What sort of business return do you want from it – sales, enquiries etc?

At Growth by Design, we meet with you to discuss and understand what you are looking for, and together will formulate an effective plan to build you a great website!

If you arenโ€™t too sure, that is fine, but you will need to ensure you select a web design agency that has a strategic and planning side to it. This is so you get the right expertise to help you define your business goals for the website – a designer alone wonโ€™t be able to effectively do that for you!

Experience and expertise

When evaluating web design agencies, experience and expertise are vital factors to consider. 

As an experienced agency, we have a proven track record in designing websites for businesses in many types of industries, which deliver a tangible business return and donโ€™t just look good.

Always check a portfolio (view our own website portfolio as an example) to see if previous work aligns with your vision, expectations and desired outcomes. 

An experienced web design company, like us at Growth by Design, has the skills and knowledge to create a website that not only looks great but also performs well in search engine rankings.

How to choose a web design agency | website production graph

Services and capabilities

Web design is not just about creating a visually appealing website. 

There are many services to consider that are all an essential part of what a good web design firm provides:

  • search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • user experience and navigation
  • content creation and strategy
  • website maintenance and support
  • mobile responsiveness
  • and more!

Growth by Design has a team of experts who all play an important part in providing a range of services to build you a brilliant and effective website design optimised for both users and search engines.

If you choose to go down the route of individual freelancers, that is perfectly valid, but donโ€™t expect them to be experts in all of these areas. You will need to hire several different freelancers and then coordinate them yourself to work together in order to get the best outcome for your website and business.

How to choose a web design agency | laptop with reviews

Client testimonials

A great way to gauge the reliability and quality of a web design agency is by reading client testimonials. 

Visit the agency’s website, social media, or platforms like Google to see what their previous clients have to say about their services. 

Positive reviews and testimonials indicate that the agency has a track record of delivering client satisfaction. You can even ask to speak to a previous client directly, to hear their feedback and experience for yourself.

At Growth by Design, we value the testimonials on our website. Read and watch a recent case study here from a very happy client.

How to choose a web design agency | megaphone on yellow background

Communication and collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are essential for success, which also applies to a  web design project. 

How responsive and attentive an agency is in addressing your enquiries is a reflection of how it would be to work with them.

At Growth by Design, we will always maintain clear and open communication throughout the entire design process. We take the time to understand your requirements, listen to your ideas, explain the process clearly, and provide valuable suggestions. 

Consequently, we get you effective results from your website!

Location and local knowledge

Finding a web design agency that is familiar with the local market can be advantageous for your business. 

A web agency that is local to your business may have a better understanding of the regional market, target audience, and local trends. 

Growth by Design is based in South East England and many of our clients are local to us in East Sussex, West Sussex, and Brighton. It means we can arrange a meeting face to face but equally, we understand the benefits of remote working and utilising video calls for efficiency!


It is important to discuss timelines to ensure a website project can be achieved within a realistic timeframe. Equally important is if the web agency has the capacity to be able to carry out the work when you need it completed.

How long building a website will take depends on the complexity of the website.

At Growth by Design, we will always communicate how long the website will take to build and we endeavour to keep you informed about its progress along the way.

How to choose a web design agency | person on floor with laptop

Costings and budget

You will have a budget, so focus on finding an agency that offers value for money and will deliver a high-quality website within your budget.

One final important tip – website design is an investment, not a cost! Therefore, choosing the cheapest option may not always yield the best results so choose wisely. As with everything in life, amateur skills and application, will yield only amateur results and that isnโ€™t what you want for your business!

Equally, SME businesses such as yours, do have to make decisions about where you invest your budgets and you need to make sure those decisions are made wisely to deliver the greatest business outcome. 

A good web design agency will be able to advise you on where and what is worth investing in, what is nice to have and what elements can perhaps wait until a later stage to be developed.

We offer a range of website solutions that cover all budgets and you can get a feel for a realistic budget for your requirements, using our website estimator tool.

How to choose a web design agency | laptop with html
Programming, website dashboard development, and coding. Technical support, website maintenance services

For a good web design agency, choose Growth by Design!

Taking your time to choose the right web design agency is worthwhile as it is a significant investment and you will want to ensure your website will yield fantastic results!

At Growth by Design, we will bring your vision to life and help your business thrive in the digital landscape. Our advice is always practical, honest and realistic, so if we donโ€™t think something is right for you or that X should be a greater priority, we will let you know! 

Request a free 60-minute web review to help you define your business goals for the website, review how it is performing and where improvements could be made. 

It is completely complimentary, with no obligation. You can take the information away and implement it yourself, or if you need help with some or all of it, weโ€™d be happy to discuss how that could work.

We offer a full range of services and build great-looking websites that are easy to find, use, and effective. 

Remember, a well-designed website is not just a digital brochure; it’s a powerful tool to attract and engage your target audience, drive conversions, and ultimately contribute to your business growth.

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