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How much does brochure design cost?

How much does a good brochure design cost in the UK? What is the process and should you try and do it yourself or consider using with a brochure design agency? Don’t worry, we’re here to go through this all with you.

Brochures are a fantastic way to share your products or solution with your target audience. They can be a very powerful tool when the message is presented in an easily digestible way and you have considered where and for what purpose it will be used.

How much does it cost to design a brochure yourself?

For small and medium-sized businesses, it can be tempting to use an online marketing tool and design a brochure yourself. There are a number of tools out there that can make the process easier, and on the face of it appear to be the cheaper option. 

But, what information and imagery should you use? What will resonate well with your potential customers, what type of brochure should you produce, and with how many pages? Are you confident that there will be no spelling or grammatical mistakes? And how much of your time will it take to design when you could be doing other things in the business?

Remember, this brochure is a representation of your business, providing an introduction to you as a business and the products and services you offer. 

Your potential customers need to feel convinced that you are a professional company, and confident in your abilities to solve their current needs and challenges. The brochure needs to educate them, and to motivate them, to contact you.

Get it right, and you will receive an increased level of interest and enquiries. 

If you create it yourself and get any aspect wrong, from a spelling mistake to not selling your offering in a way that resonates well with your audience, not only will you have invested (and wasted) your time and money but it could also drive potential customers to your competitors! 

Working with a professional marketing agency that knows and understands your business will safeguard this.

How much does it cost to get a brochure designed by a professional marketing agency?

Brochure design cost. The amount a marketing agency charges will vary between agencies and the service they offer. Some will only provide part of the service, such as the graphic design, copy writing or proofreading, and others will provide further services such as working with you to understand you as a business, the brochure’s overall purpose, its likely use, and the key message you’re trying to portray.

Think of it this way, there is no point just having a brochure that just looks pretty if it doesn’t sell you, represent you as a business, or bring in those sales.

Instead, ensure you work with an agency that covers all of these elements, and also manages the printing of brochure design work too. This will ensure that you do not need to worry about managing this process, proof-reading the copy and ensuring that the print file is set up correctly. With the uptick in enquiries and sales a quality brochure like this will deliver, will more than offset the initial investment. 

It’s a question of cutting costs but for no or a limited return, or making a slightly greater upfront investment for a much higher return on investment!

You can read our latest case study on brochure design, to see first-hand the quality and impact good brochure design can deliver for your business. 

Growth by Design

At Growth by Design, we have a team of designers, copywriters and those with business sales skills to provide their valuable input. 

Paired with this, we take the time to understand the purpose of the brochure and the key message and motives you’re trying to put across. We will then create a design taking all of this into consideration whilst ensuring that the design encourages the reader to respond and take action.

To find out more information about our poster and flyer design process, including real client examples, please visit our website.

Alternatively, please contact us via 01444 810530 or email us at

We look forward to hearing from you!

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