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What Do Social Media Marketing Agencies Do?

You might be asking yourself, “what do social media marketing agencies do?”.

Social media is a bit like marmite – business owners either love it or hate it. 

Some just don’t know what to do with their social media profiles, are nervous about it and unsure what to post, while others just don’t enjoy it or don’t see much point in it, and the remainder love a particular platform such as Instagram but not LinkedIn. 

Regardless, very few business owners have a strong desire to spend large amounts of their time marketing on social media.

In this blog, we will answer the question of what do social media marketing agencies do and how working with one can help you grow your business.

1- A social media agency knows what to post

If you expect to see results from social media, it is paramount to be posting and engaging with your audience regularly. TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn only provide a return if you give to the platforms too. 

Regular and relevant posting on the platforms is essential.

But what do you post?

A social media marketing agency will create a content plan for you based on:

  • Your tone of voice
  • Business objectives
  • Key messages 
  • Customer avatars. 

There will likely be a mixture of content types from information, articles, testimonials, guides and advice, brand messages to team updates, with a combination of video, short-form video, text and imagery.

The key though is to put a plan together ahead of time. There may be some reactive content you can only do in the moment, for example if you want to respond to the government’s budget announcements, but much can be created ahead of time.

Holographic clock with a mans hand around it to control time and scheduling

2 – A social media agency can save you time

Often, small business owners don’t just lack knowledge of what to post, but lack the time to come up with ideas for posts too. Content creation takes time, then you have the scheduling, measuring analytics, adapting your strategy and so on.

As a small business owner, you fulfil multiple roles from CEO, HR, finance director, operations director, being part of the team delivering the work etc. Content creator is unlikely to be on your list of chosen roles!

This is why working with a social media agency is a wise decision for many small business owners.

Hologram of bar chart showing improved performance over time - social media performance

3 – A social media marketing agency delivers and measures results

There are plenty of social media agencies who focus on what we’d refer to as “vanity metrics”, not real business results. Vanity metrics are metrics used to define performance in areas that don’t contribute to your business’s growth (likes, comments, etc). 

Now these metrics matter in regard to determining you are producing the right type of content for your audience. But a like isn’t going to grow your business in of itself. You need an agency who can generate that like and comment, and are able to turn your engaged social media audience into a community of repeat customers, brand advocates and relevant leads.

4 – Evaluating your social media results

Social media is one of those areas of marketing which business owners feel they ‘should’ be doing. Not every social media platform is right for every business, and not every content is right for your business or social media platform.

Piecing this altogether, coming up with a plan and then evacuating it takes time and skill.

It’s not the case that once your plan has been delivered, you are done with your social media marketing. You need to respond to comments, support other fellow business owners for strategic alliances and review performance results, to then refine your social media plan.

It is a constant cycle of planning, delivering and improving.

A social media agency will do this for you so you get the very best results, that continually improve over time and adapt as the platforms change too.

What do social media marketing agencies do for small businesses?

In a nutshell, they give you back valuable time to focus on other areas of your business which you are the experts in! 

They create a plan which will represent your brand and resonate with your target market. 

They will give you confidence and direction with your social media marketing. 

A particularly good agency will deliver meaningful business results from your social and be continually looking to improve on them too. 

Knowing how to find the right digital marketing agency can pay dividends. If you’re not sure where to start when finding a reputable small business marketing agency that can work on your social media marketing, check out our services and get in touch. We offer a suite of digital marketing support services and would be more than happy to discuss the best marketing practices for your social media.

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