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Video Marketing – Create Engaging & Effective Content

There are endless ways in which you can market your business and its services through video. Whether it be a client testimonial, a case study, or an advert, video is one of the very best marketing tools for prospect engagement and lead generation.

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to video marketing, but we say there’s nothing wrong with starting small.

To begin with, using a smart phone to record is generally fine to get the ball rolling. You might find this to be useful for short explainer videos, or if you are pressed for time on a busy day. Beyond that, the more advanced your setup (DSLR, tripod, lighting panels, microphone etc.), the higher the standard of content you’re creating for your business and the viewers.

A more professional setup will give your videos crisper audio, clearer imagery and an all-round air of professionalism that you won’t be getting from a camera phone alone. The better these key elements, the more watchable your content is to the viewer.

Below, we’ve detailed 3 types of video marketing that we think are perfect for small businesses to start off with.

1. Testimonial

Testimonials are one of the very best ways of capturing the value of you and your services to future prospects. 

It’s proven that viewers watching a video retain 95% of the information in a video, significantly higher than had they read it on a webpage. Capturing key successes that your businesses have provided and showing them to an audience of prospects greatly enhances your chances of enquiries, and in time, conversions.

We’d suggest outlining the 5 most valuable things a client could say about your business, and then turning them into questions that prompt the response you’re looking for. We have listed an example set of questions below.

  1. Who are you and what is your business?
  2. What led you to use our services?
  3. How has your challenge been addressed by working with us?
  4. What personal / business results have occurred as a result of working with us?
  5. Would you recommend our services to others?

2. Case Study

Capturing a case study on film can be a great way of explaining not only your process to potential clients, but also showing value in your product or services. 

Committing to buying into a service or product can be a big step for a client, particularly if it’s high value. Showing a prospect your level of expertise through video can put their mind at ease.

How you do this will likely depend on your business’ industry type. If you are a trader, then capturing a project at various stages is a good way of doing it. If you are a consultancy then perhaps the third video option would be better suited to your business type.

3. Value proposition

This option is most geared towards acquiring and converting new clients. Video doesn’t have to be used exclusively across social media and websites; you can integrate it into your sales process too.

Giving prospects the clearest understanding of what you have to offer will only increase your chances of conversion. If you’re too vague in your sales process, you’re likely just pushing confused prospects in the direction of your competition.

Creating several concise but detailed videos of yourself explaining your services is a great resource to use at various points of your sales process. It can act as an introduction to you and your business at the start, involve ready-made testimonials of current clients, and demonstrate your services through case studies. Value propositions can be composed of various types of video, with each type appealing to a different stage of the sales process. 

Video marketing just for SMEs

If you are looking to incorporate frequent and higher-level video marketing to your business moving forward, Growth by Design offer numerous video options. 

To see our full catalogue of videos services, you can also visit our YouTube channel.

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