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How to create an impactful presentation folder

Firstly, what is a presentation folder? A presentation folder (or pocket folder) is something we marketing people absolutely love when it comes to events, trade shows, and exhibitions.

It gives you, as a business, a means to show exactly who you are and helps store vital documents and information (such as business cards and brochures), to give to a potential customer.

Knowing how to create an impactful presentation folder is the difference between winning a sale and not for most SMEs!

St George's School Presentation Folder

First impressions count when trying to gain more customers. Especially nowadays where more and more businesses are understanding the impact of marketing, and so are upping their marketing tools.

So how do you create an impactful presentation folder?

How to create an impactful presentation folder

Presentation folders are very sturdy and have specific dimensions, including pockets, so can’t be printed on your office printer.

Once you have your design finalised, a specialist printing company will print them for you.

A great presentation folder that will deliver business results requires multiple skillsets:

  • A designer to make your presentation folder standout and get your key messages across
  • A copywriter to write those powerful key messages
  • A marketing strategist who understands your audience and business priorities to determine what goes in the folder and how the folder will all piece together
  • A printer who can deliver all of this in real-life!
how to create an impactful presentation folder example west sussex 2 2

How to design a presentation folder

A presentation folder/pocket folder normally has graphic designs on the front and back.

You can even print on the pockets that are on the inside. This gives it that extra little ‘oomph’ for potential clients.

There are some places that have folder templates, however, templates don’t have the ability to be absolutely unique to your business, and therefore adequately express your brand. They can also be very limiting and restrictive in terms of communicating your key messages. If you are going to invest both time and resource into producing a presentation folder – it’s worth doing it properly to get the best return on investment.

When we create presentation folders, we make sure the folder design and layout show exactly who and what your business is.

In regards to the design of your folder, here are a few of our top tips:

  • Always have your logo on the front and back
  • Stick to your business brand colours
  • Have imagery of your services/products
  • Don’t forget to include your contact details
  • Print in colour.

What to put in a presentation folder

Everything you include in your presentation folder needs to show a potential customer exactly who the business is, and what you can offer them.

Here are the basics to consider including:

  • Business cards
  • An introduction letter
  • Promotional merchandise, such as leaflets or brochures
  • Print reviews from your customers on the folder itself, to instil confidence and trust
  • Freebie, such as a pen.
brochure design cost | stack of brochures

How to get your effective presentation folder created

Our approach is to work closely with you to understand exactly what your business does. This means we can put together this piece of marketing collateral to exude your brand, ethos and services in a straightforward way for your potential customers to quickly grasp. 

We discuss what your needs are, and what you would like included. We will also recommend the best route to go down based on our experience, what type of business you run, and also what the use of the folder is.

If you’d like some inspiration, take a look at our creative portfolio of presentation folders for some ideas. Find out more about presentation folders and the results we have delivered for other SMEs by visiting our presentation folder design page.

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