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Google business websites going: SEO news

Google business websites going: SEO news

In recent updates announced by Google, significant changes are underway regarding Google Business Profile websites. As one of the leading platforms for businesses to establish their online presence, Google’s alterations could have substantial implications for business owners.ย 

With Google business websites going, and the updates set to take effect in March 2024, all effected businesses must understand the changes and take proactive measures to avoid their online visibility (and subsequent sales and enquiries) falling off a cliff!

In this blog, weโ€™ll explain who will be affected and how, as well as provide tips for how to ensure your Google business profile is up-to-date.

But first, we address the changes and what to do if you have a Google business website.

What is changing to Google Business Profile websites?

Websites created through Google Business Profile serve as basic websites fueled by the information provided in your Business Profile.ย 

As of March 2024, websites made with Google, through a Google Business Profile will be deactivated and visitors to your site will be redirected automatically to your Google Business Profile instead. This redirection mechanism will remain in operation until 10th June 2024.

Rest assured, your Business Profile itself will remain unaffected – it is the website Google made from the profile which is being deactiviated.ย 

Visitors accessing your website created with Google Business Profile will simply land on your Business Profile page instead.ย 

This has big implications for your ability to be found in the search results, engage prospects and be able to convert prospects – so action is needed!

Which websites are affected?

Domains ending with and will no longer be supported as website links on your Business Profile starting in March. With Google business websites going, it’s advisable to update your Google Business Profile to direct visitors to a new website.

That means, for those affected, you need to get going quickly on building a new website!

Please note: If you don’t currently have a website created with a Google Business Profile, these changes will not impact you.

What will happen to websites from Google Business Websites?

After March 2024, visitors attempting to access a Google Business Profile website will be automatically redirected to the corresponding Google Business Profile. However, this redirection feature will only be available until 10th June 2024. After this deadline, accessing the websites will lead to a “page not found” error.

This in itself has serious implications. If your website canโ€™t be found, your business canโ€™t be found. This may result in disruptions to online presence and marketing efforts, affecting businesses’ visibility and revenue.

This means you have two actions:

  1. Get underway with creating a new website
  2. Update and make the most of your Google Business Profile.

Changing from a Google Business Profile website

With Google business websites going, now is the time to transition from your Google Business Website to a professionally created one that best represents your brand, products / services, your culture and values, and will be found by and engage your ideal clients. WordPress is a great alternative to look at.

A WordPress website offers a customisable and versatile platform that allows for greater control over design elements, content management, and additional features, while still offering lots of free elements, making it very cost-effective for SMEs while still being professional and able to fulfil business objectives.ย 

Growth By Design specialises in bespoke WordPress websites tailored to each client’s specific needs, ensuring a smooth transition and optimised online presence. Our expertise in website design, development, and maintenance ensures that businesses can effectively showcase your brand, attract customers, and achieve their online objectives.ย 

By having a WordPress website for your business developed by Growth By Design, businesses can take their digital presence to the next level and keep their Google Business Profile updated with a fully functioning website address.

If youโ€™d like to understand a little more about what is involved and the possible costs, visit the website estimator tool to help you start making this transition with your website.

Make the most of your Google Business Profile

While your new website is designed and developed, you will need to ensure everything in your Google Business Profile is up to date and working as hard as it can for you. Here are some tips to make sure yourโ€™s is:

  • Ensure all business information on the Google Business Profile is accurate and up-to-date, particularly regarding contact details and business hours.ย 
  • Communicate with customers about upcoming changes and provide alternative ways for them to access information about your business.
  • Updating your business profile to direct visitors to a new website address before the shutdown in March 2024, as websites created with Google Business Profile will be automatically redirected.ย 
  • Monitor the performance of your Google Business Profile and adjust strategies accordingly to maintain visibility online.
  • For a smooth transition from your old website – Google Profile – and back to a new website, seek assistance from professionals like Growth By Design. We will ensure compatibility with Google’s new requirements and optimising for search engine visibility.
  • ย 

news - google business websites going

Benefits of an up-to-date Google Business Profile

Ensuring your Google Business Profile is up-to-date holds numerous benefits, particularly when it comes to directing potential customers to your website. By maintaining accurate contact information, location details, and, crucially, the correct website address, you provide a seamless experience for customers looking to engage with your business online. With just a click, customers can effortlessly access your website, facilitating increased traffic and opportunities for conversion.ย 

How Growth By Design can help with Google business websites going

In conclusion, the forthcoming updates to Google Business Profile websites in March 2024, mean businesses must take proactive measures to ensure they remain visible and effective online.ย 

At Growth By Design, we can assist businesses in confidently transitioning to a WordPress website while also utilising the benefits of an up-to-date Google Business Profile. The power of a fully functioning website to grow your business effectively will help maximise your online presence. Our proven tools and strategies ensure that businesses stay ahead of the competition and continue to thrive in the digital world.ย 

See the difference we make to our clients by reading our case studies.

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